Advertise on The Copenhagen Report

The Copenhagen Report accepts proposals from companies looking to advertise or promote their products or services.

The Copenhagen Report receives over 10,000 visitors per quarter - generating a huge amount of traffic from visitors seeking a wide variety of information, across a wide array of topics pertaining to Denmark and Copenhagen.

Our current prices are:

Text link: 15 Euro per month / 150 Euro per year
Graphic link box: 25 Euro per month / 250 Euro per year

Editorial review:

150-200 word Editorial product/service review: 100 Euro
400-500 word editorial product/service review: 180 Euro

*Note: The Copenhagen Report only endorses quality products and services. We are happy to consider any proposal presented, but will not review or promote product or services that we do not feel would benefit the readers of this website. Furthermore, we will always clearly state if we are being paid to write a review.

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