A tale of two Danish bands...both going precisely the wrong direction

This Danish band broke up a couple years ago, and many wondered if they'd lost their minds - and just what the real story was. And many are still waiting for them to figure out that they had a f*%king good thing going and should just get it back together. Really, they're bound to figure this out themselves one day.

Swan Lee live in concert...

This Danish band broke up a few years ago, and everyone (with at least an ounce of musical taste) breathed a sigh of relief. Then they recently announced they were getting back together. What the f*%k? Why? Why?

If you don't know who they are, don't worry. Ignorance really can be bliss.

1 Response to "A tale of two Danish bands...both going precisely the wrong direction"

  1. Anonymous says:

    Hey just came across your blog today -- keep up the good work! I've been fascinated by Denmark ever since I found this other guy's livejournal and been wanting to find something similar... cheers

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